Tuesday, December 6, 2011

100km/sec thoughts

Rushing home, i know i will be punished, but i'm okay with it. I just want to live.


I don't exactly remember, when this life becoming this boring. You know that when we doing nothing everybody judge we're wasting time. But now i don't have much time for everyone even myself i would rather saying i'm wasting my time, to pleasure everyone.

Reach my point? or i describe it wrong way.

hello universe, i'm done with all of this. Trying to betrayed another love story, re-created manipulated the system on my brain, but now i just want to going back on my secure zone. home. Will i lose something here? will i becoming the one left? will i lost another path forward and return to zero?

there is no mistake, its all life lesson.



  1. that's is what I thought also. Return to zero point. Will do.

  2. kita bukannya kehilangan waktu kan? semua proses yang udah kita jalanin bukannya sia-sia kan? semua itu pembentukan kita sepuluh tahun kemudian jadi apa kaaaaan... say yes pls hahahaha

  3. Yes, dear.. The answer is absolutely yes.. Ga ada yg sia-sia.. Semua yg pernah terjadi itulah yg bawa kita sampe ke hari ini.. Ga ada kebetulan, semuanya udah diatur, semua ada alasan. Kan nana yg blg ke aku, semua yg kita temuin ada manfaatnya, ada maksud dibalik semuanya, isn't it? So just keep move forward.. *skrg aku udah bisa blg gini, I've already got my own life lesson (as you know) ;p *
