Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kawah Putih Ciwidey

Just got home after two and a half days adventure.
What will you say every time you saw a great videos? especially landscape videos. Yesterday i experienced myself to made a good video and i have to say i slept a lot. Haha

It was begun on Monday we, Ponti / Dhey / Tama / Revan, went to Ciwidey. Yep, just 3 hours from Bandung you will find amazing sulfur crater. I didn't find it interesting at first since i already went there 8 years ago but yesterday i look it at totally different view. Luckily we know Marcel, a local employee so we can easily in and out from the place. Day one, after charging every single battery we're going up and hunt but it turns out pretty bad since the fog made our visibility just about 2 meters. Imagine The Mist movie set, seriously. 1 o'clock and i sleep on the car backseat. Yes, don't imagine we stay in a hotel or motel you name it. So it was cold and dark, there's only me and Tama in the car, but then at 3.30 am Ponti came and i joining him to the central crater. The moon shining almost like the sun. I can see everything without any tools, but it made the stars not many emerging, yet the crater itself looks very majestic. This is when i drop my opinion before. 

4 am, center crater of Kawah Putih Ciwidey Jawa Barat

Day two, not just like day one, we take a video from above of the crater and we're going camping. Food supply check, full battery check, firewood check, ready! After 6 hours burning firewood oh shit suddenly there came the rain. 5 person on 4 capacity tent, moist and not so flat land, just imagine. At 4 am Ponti calling us to came out when the sky is clear. 

Don't ask how cold it is, i don't want to answer. Everything seems worth it after we packed and go home, of course when the video done later. This is what i call enjoying life. Don't get stuck with your job, you don't have to go far far away or spend much money. Shut down your computer, drive 30 minutes you'll find Moko highland. Drive 1 hour you'll find Tangkuban Perahu ( i saw meteor shower here). Drive 3 hours and you'll find sulfur crater Kawah Putih and many more are offered in West Java. 

Now let's enjoy warm mattress and hot water.

all photos taken by everyone on this picture


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